Exporting Data
Export Functions
The export utilities that run from command line extract specific data from the .rec files and outputs them to separate .dat binary files. These functions are detailed here.
The .dat files can then be imported into Matlab or Python to be used for further analysis.
Exporting Camera Module’s Data
The Camera Module is able to stream and export multiple different types of data including animal position data, an animal’s linear position within a defined track geometry, the track geometry itself, and user defined zone data. Refer to Camera Module’s exporting section here for more details.
Importing data into Matlab
In the TrodesToMatlab folder, there are Matlab functions that will read the binary data exported and return a Matlab data structure for further analysis in Matlab. There are detailed instructions in the Instructions.txt file in the directory, as well as here
Importing data into Python
In the TrodesToPython folder, there is a Python function that will read the binary data in a .dat file and return a Numpy array with the data for further analysis in Python. More details can be found here.